Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Benefits of Aloe Vera

Having Aloe Vera in your home is about as important as having rubbing alcohol or band-aids. Aloe Vera has tons of beneficial uses, especially when it comes to beauty. Acting as not only an after-burn treatment, Aloe Vera can help you with numerous beauty conundrums that you never thought it could.

The Top Benefits of Aloe Vera

Of course you already know this, but Aloe Vera is essential to have for burns. Whether you’re applying it to an actual burn or sun-burnt skin, Aloe Vera is your #1 rescue for fast relief of pain.

It keeps your tan longer. Say you’re on vacation somewhere hot and you’re out on the beach tanning everyday, applying Aloe Vera at night can help your tan stay on longer. So make sure you slather on that Aloe Vera at the end of the night not only to soothe your skin but also to keep up that glowing tan.

As hair gel. Ok, so it may not be salon quality hair gel, but if you ever need some Aloe Vera is also there to help you with your hair. I’ve actually used it as hair gel a few times and I really liked it. It didn’t leave my strands feeling sticky or hard so why not?

It helps diminish pimples. There is no cheaper way to diminish pimples than with Aloe Vera. And while I’ve never actually tried it myself, I know a few friends who have and they actually use it all the time now. The properties in Aloe Vera help to minimize redness and pimples so make sure you give it a try!

It reduces redness and inflammation. Got a bug bite? Aloe Vera can take care of that too!

Last but not least, it’s cheap! Just make sure to get one that is 100% Aloe Vera to get the full benefits. Aloe Vera should not cost more than $5 and with all the things you do can with it, I say it pretty much pays for itself!


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